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Hosted Contact Center Licenses

Written by Author
On February 23, 2021

Explaining the licenses used for contact centers

Note: the price of a call center license is in addition to the seat price for the user.

License Summary

Call Center User: The basic call center license. Once attached to a user’s seat, it permits the associated user to be a member of any number of basic call queues. The presence of at least one of these licenses in the PBX permits the Administrator to build any number of basic call queues.

Advanced Call Center User: This license functions exactly like the Call Center User license above, but also permits the associated user seat to be a member of any number of advanced queues and/or basic queues.

Agent Call Center Client: This is an add-on that can be attached to a user licence holder which permits access to a web-based client for additional visibility into the call center activity as it pertains to the agent.

Supervisor Standard: This is a bundle that includes a Call Center User license as well as Supervisor privileges to allow the user access to an online portal to monitor queues and agents.

Call Center License Features

Agent Presence in Call Queue: Agents in call queues are offered calls per the distribution methodology defined in the Queue Profile found in the Customer Administration Portal. There is no limit to the number of queues of which an agent can be a member.

Supervisor Presence in Call Queue: Supervisors in call queues are able to see the queue details and agents present in all queues of which they supervise. There is no limit to the number of queues of which a supervisor can monitor.

Call Center Client: A web-based application that can assist the agent or supervisor with real-time activities.

Personal Reports: Run reports for specific time ranges that list key performance indicators for your individual activities.

Queue Reports: Reports about key performance indicators for call center queues can be run historically or scheduled in advance.

Agent Reports: Access KPI data for any number of agents in queues that you supervise either historically or scheduled for a future date.

RTA Dashboard: A real time adherence dashboard that shows queue status as well as agent performance factors. This opens in its own web page and can be moved to external monitors. Threshold alerts show in real time to indicate when metrics exceed pre-defined parameters.

Direct Queue Management: Ability to see the queues that you supervise, intercept calls, and change the queue order manually.

Click to Transfer Directories: Calls on your phone can be transferred easily to programmed directories within the web interface.

Change Agent Status Remotely: View agent available state, login status, and queue presence. Changes can be made by the supervisor remotely through the supervisor client interface.

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