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Contact Center Agent Features

Written by Author
On February 23, 2021

What Features Are Available to Call Center Agents and Which Seat Type Do I Need?

Guard Timer: An Agent Default Setting that, when enabled, delays the delivery of a new ACD call until the timer expires. Designed to prevent a new ACD call from being presented to the agent immediately after they end the previous call. Note: This is not designed to support post call work. Available on Seat Type: All

Join Call Centers: Agents assigned to Call Centers must Join the Call Center to be considered in the call distribution process. If they are not joined they are not considered active in the Call Center. If they are joined their ACD state and Line State are used to determine if/when they receive a call. Agents can join any number of Call Centers, using either the Web Portal or the Call Center Client. Agents may be allowed to set their join status or an Administrator can configure and lock their join status. This is generally used when an agent needs to temporarily join a queue when call volumes are higher than normal. Available on Seat Type: All

Set ACD States: Agents can configure the following ACD states, sign-in, available, unavailable, wrap-up, sign-out. An Agent is considered idle and available to receive an ACD call if they are in the Available state and their line state is on-hook (assuming they do not have Call Waiting enabled and have not enabled calls during Wrap-up state). The ACD state applies to all Call Centers to which they are joined. Available on Seat Type: Standard or Premium

Unavailable Codes: The Unavailable ACD state can be extended to include codes showing the reason the Agent is Unavailable. For example: Unavailable-Lunch. Unavailable codes are completely customizable. Administrators create or enable a set of Unavailable codes for use within an Enterprise or a Call Center. Up to 1000 Unavailable Codes can be defined in an Enterprise. Note: Agents can be forced to select an unavailable code, with a default Unavailable code applied when one is not selected. Available on Seat Type: Standard or Premium

Forced Unavailability Codes: An Agent Default Setting policy that, when enabled, forces transition of a Call Center agent from Available/Wrap-up to Unavailable status. The following 3 conditions can be individually enabled to force the Agent to change ACD state to Unavailable: The agent is making or receiving a personal call (Premium Only), The agent is enabling the Do Not Disturb (DND) service, The agent has not answered a specified number of incoming ACD calls (bounced calls). Note: Unique Unavailable Codes can be created and applied to each condition when this feature is triggered. Example: Unavailable-DND. Available on Seat Type: Standard or Premium

Distinctive Ringing: When enabled, a distinctive ring pattern is played to the phone device when an ACD call is delivered or when an ACD call is force delivered (Auto Answer Enabled) to the agent. There are 4 different ring patterns that can be assigned. Note: This feature is generally used in an informal call center environment and allows the agent to distinguish between direct inbound calls and ACD calls from a few different queues. Available on Seat Type: All

Wrap-Up ACD State: Wrap-up ACD State: Agents use the Wrap-up ACD state for post ACD call work. They may transition to this state automatically at the completion of an ACD call, or manually via the Call Center Client. Configurable options exist for the following: Allow agents to receive a new ACD call when they are in wrap-up state, Set automatic wrap-up duration time, Set maximum Wrap-up duration time for agents in a Call Center. Available on Seat Type: Standard or Premium

Disposition Codes: Disposition codes can be applied to call center calls during the call and at wrap-up. This allows calls to be tagged in reports to track the result of promotions, the result of calls, the purpose of calls, or other items. Disposition Codes are completely customizable. Administrators create or enable a set of Disposition codes for use within an Enterprise or a Call Center. Up to 1, 000 Disposition Codes can be defined in an Enterprise. Available on Seat Type: Premium

Automatically Answer Calls: A Queue policy configuration option that, when enabled allows ACD calls to agents to be automatically answered and rendered over the device’s speaker and microphone. Note: The agent’s device must support the Remote Control Talk Event package for this feature. Available on Seat Type: Premium

Agent Whisper Message: When enabled, allows a custom message to be played to the agent when a call comes from a call center. Example: Call from Sales Queue. A separate customized message can be loaded for each Call Center and for each configured DNIS within a Call Center. Available on Seat Type: Premium

Distinctive Ringing: When enabled, a distinctive ring pattern is played to the phone device when an ACD call is delivered or when an ACD call is force delivered (Auto Answer Enabled) to the agent. There are 4 different ring patterns that can be assigned. Note: This feature is generally used in an informal calll center environment and allows the agent to distinguish between direct inbound calls and ACD calls from a few different queues. Available on Seat Type: All

Call Escalation to Supervisor: Agents can quickly escalate calls to their assigned Supervisors via a button in the Call Center client. The following call escalation types are supported: Normal Escalation – this is a consultative escalation in which the calling party is placed on hold, the agent connects with a Supervisor, and the parties are joined together, Emergency Escalation – this is an escalation in which the calling party is NOT placed on hold, the agent alerts a Supervisor and they are immediately joined into the call. Using the Call Center client, agents can see the line state of their assigned Supervisor and select a Supervisor based on their line state, or a Supervisor can be automatically selected by BroadWorks, based on the Supervisor’s availability. Any user can be assigned as a Supervisor for a Call Center, including Team Leads. They need not have a Call Center Supervisor Client. Available on Seat Type: Standard or Premium

Remote Office: Allows any user (Agent or Supervisor) to access and use their BroadWorks service from any end point, on-net or off-net. This service is typically used by home-based workers, as it enables them to use all of their Call Center client features while working remotely (for example, extension dialing, transfers, conference calls, Outlook integration, directories, and so on. Example: When a call is distributed to an agent, their home phone (running on a different carrier’s network) is alerted and they see on their Call Center client that the call is from a Call Center. When they answer the call, BroadWorks continues to track their call state for availability and reporting. Available on Seat Type: All

BroadWorks Anywhere: Allows any user (Agent or Supervisor) to provision an alternate phone that will be alerted when calls are delivered to them. Call state is maintained on BroadWorks throughout the call. In most cases, this feature is applied to a mobile phone (running on a different carrier’s network) is alerted and they see that the call is from a Call Center. When they answer the call BroadWorks continues to track their call state for availability and reporting. Available on Seat Type: All

Customer Originated Trace: Agents can trigger a COT action on any active call or the last call they received, using either the Call Center client or a FAC. Available on Seat Type: All

Call Hold/Retrieval Handling: Configure to prevent agents from putting a Call Center call on hold indefinitely. Includes configurable timers that alert the agent of the held call, or returns the call to the queue. Available on Seat Type: Standard or Premium

Display Inbound Call information: The phone will display the following information when a call is presented: Call Center DNIS name and number, Number of calls still in queue, Wait time of current call, Wait time of longest waiting call. Available on Seat Type: All

Set ACD State: Set ACD state using softkeys on phone, including Unavailable Codes. Available on Seat Type: Standard or Premium

Assign Disposition Code: Assign a Disposition code using softkeys on the phone. Available on Seat Type: Premium

Services Enabled via FAC: The following services can be enabled using FACs: Silent Monitor Agent (Supervisor), Silent Monitor next call (Supervisor), Night Service Activation/deactivation (Supervisor), Forced Forwarding activation/deactivation (Supervisor), Place Outbound ACD call, Place Outbound Personal call, Escalate call to Supervisor (Standard or Premium), Initiate COT (Standard or Premium).

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